Different people have their own different preferences. Some vapers prefer to choose one that is simple, light and compact. Others would like to buy one which is powerful enough but a little heavy. Now that so many different e-cigars exist on the market, we feel dazzled and puzzled. Today, I will make a detailed comparison between two devices so that you can acquire more specific information: SMOK S-Priv and WISMEC SINUOUS RAVAGE230.

Both SMOK S-Priv and WISMEC SINUOUS RAVAGE230 are powered by dual 18650 cells so that the power is great enough. S-Priv can fire up to 225W while SINUOUS RAVAGE230 can be up to 200W. For vapor chasers, these two devices can definitely satisfy your needs. Besides, these two devices feature large display screens for you to get some information in a clear and concise way. By using this design, even beginners can know how to handle the e-cigars properly.

As the saying goes, there are two leaves in the world. These two e-cigars also have their own distinctive features. For c, the most unique thing is about its appearance. It is designed to be a skull with a big hat on the mod. And eyes of the skull can shine 12 different colors. Moreover, the device can use three different modes so that you can choose one mode based on your need. Regarding WISMEC SINUOUS RAVAGE230, it has a large 1.45 inch display screen and it has a childproof lock system to avoid potential risks happening to those naughty kids.
SMOK S-Priv and WISMEC SINUOUS RAVAGE230 have some common points and their own distinctive features. Hoping that after knowing about some detailed information about these two, you can get some useful suggestions.
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